Why only companies like css corp and british telecom are most in ur placement list?

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We have placed our students in almost every big MNC in India including Aricent, Cisco, British Telecom, HCL, Tech Mahindra, TCS, Orange etc to name a few.

We are recruitment partners for CSS Corp and British Telecom, that is the reason they keep on coming to our premises for campus drives. As they always have massive openings and provide good salary packages to freshers, that is the reason our lot of students are working with these two companies.

Talking about CSS Corp, they majorly hire for Cisco TAC process, which is an absolutely amazing opportunity for freshers to enhance their troubleshooting skills and talk to international clients. Do you know that Cisco itself hires employees of CSS Corp and Aricent on its payroll. Over 100 students of Network Bulls are now working with Cisco Systems Bangalore because they were hired by Cisco from CSS Corp campus and Aricent Gurgaon. Now British Telecom is another great company to start your career with, specially for Routing & Switching candidates. If you have done CCIE R&S course and get job placement in BT Gurgaon, i personally guarantee you that you will be learning a lot when it comes to BGP, MPLS and Nexus switching. To work with BT for 1-2 years is a great opportunity to enhance your knowledge and troubleshooting skills.

We have placed lot of students with Aricent also, and as Aricent also has Cisco TAC and working with Aricent is one of the best opportunities one can get in this industry.

We have added over 30 new companies in our placement list in last 1 year.

Our Placement Ratio is like this:

Over 30% of our students get Job Placements automatically during their course, without even our help. (Students with Excellent Skills)

Around 40% students of the batch get placed with our help during the course or just after completion of the course. (Students with Excellent Skills)

20% of the students get placed after waiting/struggling for couple of months after completion of their course. (Students with Average Skills)

10% of the students takes a little more time to get placed because of gaps in their knowledge or poor communication skills. (Students with poor skills).

We focus on quality training and try to make sure that we improve their technical and communication skills during the training period. Those who study hard and improve their skills, get placed at excellent packages and profiles. Some who study less or are with average skills, get placed in average companies and average salary packages. Those who do not study at all, sometimes never get placed. Its a request to all upcoming students of NB, if you don't wish to study, please don't take admission.

For those who are ready to work hard, you are most welcome and we are also ready to work hard to make sure you get what you deserve. All the best.