What should be the configuration of the laptop for ccie security integrated training.?


Please tell all details including required cpu cores and ram. Those things which should mostly considered. I want to buy laptop and want to start training in network bulls after 3 months

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Dear, If you want to buy a new laptop buy  Minimum i5 @2.30GHz ,16GB RAM ,500GB HDD for CCIE security.


Really depends on how much you can spend on your laptop, i3 (dual-core) with 4-8gb RAM is enough. but if you really can spend more than that, get an i5 or even i7. The important thing here is support for virtualization which is supported by all the CPUs these days (virtualization because you might have to run a virtual machine, it helps.. not really necessary but helps.)


so, i3 is enough and 4 to 8 gb ram is cool. good luck! :)