What is the differnce between 802.3 IEEE and Ethernet II ? Please explain the differnce in their functionality?

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CCNA Routing and Switching

Original Ethernet Header is known as 802.3 Header which is used to carry any layer 2 protocol on ethernet link example bpdu , cdp , dtp , vtp etc. all these protocls are carried by 802.3 

[ These layer-2 protocols are identified either LLC or Pid field ]

Ethenet 2 Header is used to carry Layer 3 protocols on Ethernet Link example ipv4 , ipv6  above it.

[ These Layer 3 protocols are identified by type field in header ]


I think the adding of Ethernet II header or the IEEE 802.3  Header depends upon the encapsulation method, whether its ISL or 802.1q 

as when 802.1q is used the Ethernet II header is used as i have captured the packets shown below and incase of ISL IEEE 802.3 standard is used.