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What is difference between Cisco Router and Switch?
  • Total 4 Answers
  • 30480

When we talk about the difference between router & switch,  we always try to understand in perspective of OSI Model.

You should have basic knowledge about OSI Model.

There are 7 layers in OSI Model :

  1. Physical Layer
  2. Data Link Layer
  3. Network Layer
  4. Transport Layer
  5. Session Layer
  6. Presentation Layer
  7. Application Layer

Switch is a device that works on Layer 2 of OSI Model (Data Link Layer) , you can use switch to connect different end devices like computer, laptop & printer in a single network.

  • May be one question arise in your mind, why switch is Layer-2 device ???
  • Because Switch Uses layer-2 information (MAC Address) in order to transit traffic from one end to other end.


Router is a device that works on Layer 3 of OSI Model (Network Layer), You can make communication in between different networks by connecting them with a router.

  • Router uses Layer-3 information (IP Address) in order to transit traffic from one network to another.


In a layman language, you can say switch is use to connect devices within a single network & routes is use to connect two or more different networks.