Sir what abut placement after complete ccna and ccnp?

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We offer Placement Guarantee only after CCIE courses. There are over 100,000 Cisco CCNA and CCNP engineers in India, whereas only around 3,000 Indian Cisco professionals have CCIE certification. If you do CCIE, It kills the competition for you in job hunting. I would suggest you to go for CCIE instead of getting stuck with CCNA and CCNP.

If you do CCNP course and start working in some IT company as Network Engineer at lets suppose 15,000 per month. you will hardly reach 5-6 lacs package after 5 years. However now suppose, if you did CCIE R&S and start your career at as low as Rs 20,000 per month, you will cross 10 lacs package within 4-5 years because of your knowledge that you get when you prepare for CCIE certification.

When you do only CCNA and CCNP, you learn in-depth of EIGRP, OSPF and basic switching. But when you prepare for CCIE R&S, you learn BGP, MPLS, QoS, multicast and IPV6 in detail along with switching. These advanced technologies help you get a job with high value tasks and better profile. Lets say there will be 50 engineers in your company, but only 2-3 of them will have such advance knowledge of BGP and MPLS etc.

Yes, if you do only CCNA and CCNP with us, there are chances that you get job in good company and that too within 4 months of hard work. but if you do CCIE and hunt for a job, your growth speed will be entirely different.