Comulative Distance : Total distance from a source to a destination network/prefix.
Feasible Distance : Best ( MInimum ) Distance from source to a particular destiantion network/prefix [ In case multiple paths are there to the same destination prefix/network ]
But if there is a single path that will become C.D and F.D
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- 2579
Comulative Distance : Total distance from a source to a destination network/prefix.
Feasible Distance : Best ( MInimum ) Distance from source to a particular destiantion network/prefix [ In case multiple paths are there to the same destination prefix/network ]
But if there is a single path that will become C.D and F.D
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- Total 1 answer
- 2579
Comulative Distance : Total distance from a source to a destination network/prefix.
Feasible Distance : Best ( MInimum ) Distance from source to a particular destiantion network/prefix [ In case multiple paths are there to the same destination prefix/network ]
But if there is a single path that will become C.D and F.D
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- Total 1 answer
- 1156