Need Honest Advice?


I am a engineering dropout student and I want to make career in networking I have  knowledge of LAN, WAN and protocols like RIP, OSPF,EIGRP ( i have done CCNA R&S) and now i want to go for CCNA security.. I want to know that is that any chance for me make a good career in networking field without college degree...

Please give honest advice.

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Companies will be demanding graduation when ever you look for job.

That's i think every companies requirement.


I would suggest you to drop the idea of CCNA Security and complete your graduation first if possible.

Otherwise better to go for CCNP R&S instead of CCNA Security.



Job Market is always full of opportunities but every candidate should fulfill basic criteria to have a successful corporate career. And networking is no exception, graduation degree acts as a basic requirement when your profile is scanned. 

I hope this helps..Regards