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Is it possible to pass CCIE Certification in 1st attempt?
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CCIE Security

Yes its 100% possible to pass any CCIE Certification in first attempt. If you have worked on your troubleshooting skills really well than probably no one can stop you from passing your CCIE lab exam in first attempt. I have seen many students failing in even CCIE written exam because their dumps were outdated. If you are relying on dumps, you can not even pass CCIE written exam in first attempt. or if your dumps are recently updated and sure shot, then you even don't need to study to pass your CCIE exam.

If you are preparing for CCIE lab exam and want to pass your Certification in first attempt then you really need to follow these guidelines:

Want to know How to pass CCIE Written and Lab Exams in first attempt and then get a good paying job too? Follow these steps:

1. Learn each and every technology with practical exposure. (That's where most of the CCIE students of Bangalore fail during interviews. They pass their CICE lab exam using real lab dumps, but fail in job interviews because they only learn labs. they don't learn technology).

2. Be really good at troubleshooting skills. Forget real labs as of now. Work on your debug and troubleshooting skills really well.

3. Read RFCs and books very seriously. It will help you understand the technology in detail.

4. Once you have gone through the above 3 points. Now even when you are referring CCIE Cert labs or Pass CCIE labs etc, you know what exactly are you doing in the lab.

No one is stopping you from referring any lab workbook or real labs. But before you begin with cramming the lab, understand the technology first, work on your tShoot skills. Once you know the technology, you are free to start practicing on your lab exam. This is how you will be able to clear/pass your CCIE lab exam in first attempt and you will also be able to find a good paying job for you.

This is the problem with Bangalore CCIE Institutes. They always just and just focus on making sure that their student pass CCIE exams in first attempt. Go to their website, you will see lot of CCIE numbers. Their focus is on CCIE production. They never focus on preparing a candidate for technology and placements.

They are producing paper tigers. Paper CCIE's with no knowledge at all and then their students suffer to get jobs because they got CCIE Certification but no knowledge at all. Be smart, prepare for technology not just Certification.