How to solve the issue of 'no label' where it should be 'pop label'?

Ujjawal Rajput

Let's say a topology is like R1 connected to R2 , R2 connected to R1 nd r3 and r3 connected to R2. Now let's say we are running mpls over this topology so R2 should receive routes of R1 and r3 with 'pop label' operation, similarly​ r1 should receive routes of R2 with 'pop label' and r3 should also receive r2's route with 'pop label' operation. This should be the expected behaviour of LDP. 

But I have faced an issue where R1 and r3 are receiving routes of R2 with 'no label' instead of 'pop label'. Due to this LSP is not clear from source to destination and traffic is not been send or receive.

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Actually this type of behavior  can be seen on GNS3 on real device u may not find the same issue.This can also occur when mpls is not enabled throughout the label switched path but that is configurational mistake but the one you are facing may be a software issue of gns3


This is the problem with software.Please try same thing on rack u will get desired result.