How to set up CCIE R&S Version 5 Lab at home?

Network Engineer

How to set up latest CCIE R&S version 5 lab at home with minimum required investment? Can I set up CCIE R&S lab workbook of CCIE Cert or Pass CCIE in my laptop using virtual machines, WebIOU or VMWareetc

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Setup CCIE R&S version 5 lab at home using VMware&EVE-ng on your laptop.

To do this, you need to meet the following requirements:-

1. Laptop with RAM of atleast 12GB for proper functioning.

2. VMware Workstation Installed on Laptop 

3. Download  Eve-ng


4. Install Eve 

     to get help with EVE-ng you can watch tutorials on youtube


5. Get CCIE R&S toplogies 


    (You can get CCIE toplogies from other sources as well)

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