How much does it cost for the CCIE?

Ujjawal Rajput
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CCIE Training cost may vary to vary from one institute to another.

In order to get CCIE Certified, you need to pass CCIE Written and CCIE Lab exams. CCIE Written exam fee is 450 USD and CCIE lab exam fee is 1600 USD.


As you might know, Cisco CCIE certification exam takes place in two sittings,

  • The CCIE Written examination
  • The CCIE Lab examination

Both the exams have similar exam codes as per their tracks. The cost of the CCIE written exam is 450 USD and the exam duration is 2 hours without any prerequisites.

The cost of the CCIE Lab exam is 1600 USD and the exam duration is of 8 hours seperated in,

  • Troubleshooting module
  • Configuration module and
  • Diagnostic module 

So, in total a CCIE aspirant has to pay 2050 USD to become a Cisco CCIE certified expert.

If you are looking for more information then kindly reach Network Bulls on their toll-free number - 1800-313-2545.