How many R&S, Security, Collaboration, Data Centre and Wireless CCIE’s are there in India and worldwide separately.?

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There are around 45,000 Active CCIE's right now worldwide. As Cisco has not provided us with any official tool to keep a count on CCIE numbers worldwide, but we can still give a fair guess to it.

Here's the list of total CCIE's worldwide according to tracks:

CCIE R&S: 29,000

CCIE Security: 6,000

CCIE Voice/Collaboration: 4000

CCIE Data Center: 2500

CCIE SP/SPOps: 3000

CCIE Wireless: 250

CCIE Storage: 170

This is not the exact number but its a very close guess based on my experience and i personally guarantee over 90% accuracy in the numbers mentioned above.