How many questions are there in CCNA R&S Certification exam?

Principal Network Architect - Array Networks

I want to know that How many questions are there in Cisco CCNA R&S Certification exam and what kind of questions come in exam generally?

What is the passing percentage or marks required to pass CCNA Certification successfully?

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In CCNA exam there will be 50 to 60 questions, generally around 55.  Questions will be of different types including multiple-choice questions, drag and drop questions and Simulations (hands on LABS). Its very important that you prepare the technology well and make sure you have good knowledge about practicals, because you can’t afford to miss even a single simulation practical, if you really want to pass. Wrong configuration to any simulation will lead you to fail in the exam as you need 82.5% marks to pass and Simulations weigh heavy in terms of marks in the CCNA exam.


The CCNA Routing and Switching certification proves one's skills to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot networks of medium size that are routed and switched. The certification will also prove the IT professional's skills and expertise concerning Cisco Systems. However, on February 24, 2020, the CCNA r&s certification was replaced by the new CCNA, which includes a little of everything of the tracks that used to be offered individually. This means that the assessment will be on routing and switching, security, data center, collaboration, and other areas. There are now only 3 exams for CCNA, 200-301, 200-201 and 200-901.

Check the new CCNA here:


In CCNA exam there will be 40 to 50 question,  generally around 45 question. 🙏


Cisco keeps bringing chances to its certifications exam, its questions, topics, and more… so, I could see many answers saying 50, 60 or 70 Q&A to this question.

But at current we get 70 questions in CCNA R&S certificationexam to finish in 90 minutes.

Check CCNA R&S Course-

Since Cisco has announced changes to its certifications again from 24th Feb 2020, we have more to learn about it. For the new CCNA exams, we don't have much information but we do know that,

The new CCNA exam will have,

  • New exam code - 200-301
  • No other tracks
  • 120 minutes long exam duration
  • New syllabus and  
  • The CCNA test will take place at Pearson VUE, the delivery partner of Cisco.

If you are preparing for the new Cisco CCNA Certificationexam, I suggest, keeping in touch with Network Bulls for more such information. 



If you are preparing for CCNA R&S (200-125) certification exam then be ready to attempt 60-70 questions in just 90 Minutes.

Which means for each question you get around 72 seconds or less than that.

So, you have to be focused, dedicated and quick enough to clear this exam.

Now, talking about exam questions types then it's available in two languages, English and Japanese. 

CCNA R&S Certification exam questions types will be like,

  • Multiple-Choice Single Answer, 
  • Multiple-Choice Multiple Answer
  • Drag and Drop
  • Fill-in-the-Blank and 
  • Simulation

You must score good to pass CCNA R&S exam so, here are 5 networking concepts in this blog by Network Bulls to pass CCNA R&S certification exam -

Best of Luck!



As Cisco Said there are 70 Questions for 90 Minutes