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How many CCIE’s are there worldwide?
  • Total 7 Answers
  • 30458

As you ask, How many CCIE’s are there worldwide?

Well then, you can put it into a count from the link shared by Kiran in his answer.

And I must say, the answer which came from Paras enlightened me about the history of Cisco CCIE certification numbers. And it was good learning.

CCIE is my dream and I wish to achieve it. For sure Network Bulls is the place where I could have my dream come true. Their students have set a record in passing CCIE exam in the first attempt.

And recently came to know that, they produce a maximum number of CCIE in every series (mainly 57XXX, 58XXX, 59XXX, 60XXX, 61XXX, and 62XXX).

Check- Once again Network Bulls Produced Highest CCIE Certified Students in CCIE Series - (61K and 62K Series)

I read their Cisco CCIE success stories post over Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube frequently which inspires me a lot to take CCIE training from NB.

I am amazed to see how CCIE certification is in demand today and how many CCIE’s are there worldwide with us. If you check a few years back CCIE results, then it used to take a year to finish a series but now a few months is enough.

I am also curious about the new Cisco certification exams. Will the series start over or remain in continuity? Who knows?

I always keep up with Network Bulls to stay updated.