Do i need to run neighbor (IP address ) update-source (interface loopback)?



lets say there are 2 routers and both the loopback are reachable with the IGP protocol and the BGP is configured on loopbacks

Neighbor remote-as 100

Neighbor remote-as 100

do i need to run update-source loopback command on both the routers or just one router 


i have configured the same topology but bgp is up and the networks are advertised by only enabling the bgp update-source loopback 1 only one one router.


Can someone please help on this 

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Can You answer this question?


According to the BGP , if you are configuring indirect neighborship than update source command must be configured. As per your configuration , it is working fine. Because when you update source on one router that router will generate by using its own loopback as source and destination will be the neighbor loopbacka address. when the neighbor router will recieve BGP message that router will give reply back to , because of this it is working in BGP.


hope it helps..