Cisco Packet Tracer vs GNS3. Which one is better?

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CCNA Routing and Switching

1.1 Cisco Packet tracer provide facility to have Routers, Switches and Server's command line interface ( CLI )  as well as options to add End Devices ( example : PC, Laptop , Voice Phone )

1.2. GNS3 allows you take Routers CLI. It doesn't allow to take CLI of switch or any End User Devices.


2.1 Cisco Packet Tracer dont consume actual RAM of Device.

2.2 GNS3 Consume Actual RAM of your Device around 512 MB of Ram is consumed by each router.

[ You have to make a router to behaved as a PC or Server ].


* but there are many commands which dont run on Packet Tracer.

So According to me if you are fresher in Networking field you should begin with packet tracer then after some time you can shift on GNS3.