Can arts student also do CCNA course?


Hello...... i have completed my graduation (few years back) in arts stream but now i want to do CCNA course. Can anyone do this course or a technical skill or BCA etc. is must for this type of courses. Is your faculty is enough capable to clear all doubts for a student like me?

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Yes, Arts students can also do this course. Courses like BCA, B-Tech are always helpful in understanding the technology. BUT if you have real interest in networking, good communication skills and passion to work hard then you can ahead. 

I would suggest to do CCNA and then go for CCNP, CCIE level courses as well. Because when you look out for job arts degree might have negative impact but CCIE level knowledge will negate that quite well. 

On Network Bulls faculty, wait anyone from their team to reply. Rest, this was my view.